
Do I look ready to blog?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I do not come to you as a Woman or as an ethnic group, I come to you as a Mother, a Mother whom does not understand, after all the progress we have made as human beings, that we have not moved beyond hurting one another. Two of my sons live together in about one of the worst neighborhoods that one could live in. My youngest son was at home alone, while my eldest son was coaching a pee wee football game. As my son sat at home playing a video game 4 men came through the back door carrying guns, and not just little guns but assult rifles. Ordered him to hit the floor and prceeded to take everything of value that was not bolted down. I consider it an act of a higher power that my son does not lie dead today. That he had enough common sience to just let them take what ever they wanted. That he did not try to be the big hero and save everything they had worked so hard for. That we have to covet what our neighbor has so much we will just bust in your house and help ourselves. They worry about the earth being distroyed, that it is falling apart and if we do not take action the planet will not be around anymore. Well I fear that we will kill ourselves off before anything natural has a chance to kill us. Why is it that we can replace a mans heart but we can not make him love his neighbor as he loves himself? If you are tired of human on human violence pass this around to everyone you know.

A concerned parent
Karen Lee

Sunday, August 1, 2010


WHAT ANIMAL DO I SPEAK OF? Their love is like no other, their heart as pure as gold. Yet

while going on a friendly walk, they're faced with stares so cold. They're so very close to
human, in how they act and what they do. Unless you've known their devoted love, it
impossible to explain to you. They are greatly mor misunderstood, than any other breed. We
tend to punish this loyal dog, Instead of mankind's deeds. They are always and forever
clowns, with a wish for center stage. Yet while displaying this sense of humor, most people
disengage. They, oh, so want to make new friends, and run and jump and play. Yet when they
happily approach, most people shy away. Often I've seen children poke, or hop on for a ride.
And when I felt they might get mad, they've only beamed with pride. I've seen there children
yank and pull, with nary a reaction. Yet media's not interested, unless they've put someone

in traction. When other dogs have made the news, this breed's name they affix. But when this
brave dog saves the day, they call him "boxer mix". They love to snuggle up real close, to
give lots of loves and kisses, Yet they suffer more than any, from unfair prejudices. Their
tails wag hard and hips twist, too, more than any other mutts. So those of us who know the
breed, we call them "wiggle butts". What animal do I speak of, Whose love is so unique? If
you've truly known one, you know of who I speak. There is not creature on this Earth who
will ever make you merrier. The animal I do speak of, it's the AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER.
author unknown

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Chains I wear

The chains I wear
you can not see
they are hidden
in the deepest part
of me
The chains I wear
set me free
as long as its you
that holds the key
The chains I wear
I wear with pride
they protect the
love I hold deep
The chains I wear
you can not see
they are hidden
in the deepest part
of me
The chains I wear
bind me to you
I feel your love
in everything I do
The chains I wear
keep me safe
As long as they
are there I am not

The chains I wear
you can not see
they are hidden
in the deepest part
of me

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Domestic Disicipline

Have just discovered Domestic Disicipline found this artical am really thinking about switching to this type of lifestyle.

What Is Domestic Discipline
"Domestic discipline (DD) is the institution of rules and penalties - usually taking the form of corporal punishment - imposed on either or both partners (spouse or "significant other") as a corrective measure for specific transgressions. It serves to promote and preserve a stable and harmonious home environment, proving the means to both address contentious issues and to express displeasure related to a spouse's behavior - all in a safe and controlled manner."

"An agreement between two individuals, who are both consenting adults, in which one will corporally punish the other for unacceptable behavior and/or mistakes. There is generally a parent/child dynamic to the relationship but the role-playing of that scenario is not part of the relationship."

"To me, domestic discipline is a way of getting life and ourselves back in harmony with the other. Many of us, men and women alike, have things about ourselves we don't like and want to change. Domestic discipline helps each of us to change these things or point out what we do need to change in a loving, trusting environment. We both feel that this is the way we have been biologically wired to feel about this situation and that it is not something new to the world. Prior to the sixties, this was a fairly common way of life. Once this changed, the divorce rate rose dramatically, no one knew who they were or were supposed to be and the world changed. In cultures where this is still common practice, the divorce rate is easily 20 times less than it is here in the United States.

2. How Does Domestic Discipline differ from Dominance/submission or Bondage/Discipline/Sadism/Masochism?

"As a general rule, DD is intended to punish and correct unacceptable behavior; any erotic aspect is typically unintended and coincidental (and undesirable, for some). Conversely, BDSM is typically identifiable by its manifestly erotic character; though some aspect of genuine 'punishment' may be identifiable, BDSM-oriented activities are more often intended primarily to titillate, arouse, and generally to stimulate - with clear sexual overtones."

"DD differs from BDSM in that BDSM is generally done for the enjoyment of the participants. In DD the punishment isn't necessarily enjoyable to the bottom, though it can be. The premise is that the bottom is acknowledging that he/she needs to be disciplined by another. The premise of BDSM is for both players to have fun and enjoy the play."

"The term BDSM encompasses the full spectrum of three elements: bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism. Those who practice BDSM choose which of these elements to include in their own play. Many include all three, and others are interested in only one aspect. There's a lot of freedom within the category. Some practitioners of Domestic Discipline also engage in some aspect of BDSM, but others do not."

"In my opinion, D/s or BDSM are sexually related situations. BDSM or D/s is done mainly for both partners to experience a deeper level of sexual trust and feeling. domestic discipline is done more as a means of love and correction instead of ending in sexual gratification. This is not to say that DD doesn't improve your sex life; it can do that. But the sexual side of life is not the main focus of DD. The main focus is on helping each other to be all they can be."

"In my opinion, in DD, there should be no bondage, no sadism …."

3. In Domestic Discipline, does one partner always give the discipline and the other always receives the discipline?

"I don't think so. In many relationships this is the case, that one gives and one always receives, but this is not to say that it cannot be both ways. I feel that each couple has to work that out for themselves in the way that works best for them."

"Not always. The exact nature of domestic discipline arrangements varies widely among couples. Some have a strictly male-dominant (or female-dominant) character, while others may call for punishment to be administered to whichever partner is deemed to be 'guilty' in any given instance. Most often, such an arrangement excludes third-party disciplinarians; both the husband and wife met out punishment to each other as circumstances dictate."

"I know of couples who go the 'other way" [female disciplines male], but I am not sure I have come across anyone who practices DD both ways at once. It would be hard to keep up a 'dominant' atmosphere in the face of someone who could be spanking you tomorrow!"

"Not always. One can have a relationship in which if one partner screws up, the other will administer discipline."

4. Is there a difference between discipline and punishment and, if so, what is it?

"Discipline is a way of living and behaving. Punishment is the consequence of failing to do it in an expected way."

"Opinions on this vary widely; some use the terms interchangeable, while other draw clear distinctions between the two. One might define 'discipline' as the set of rules established to govern behavior, correct misbehavior and set-down penalties for transgressions, while 'punishment' is precisely that: the actual penalty assessed for misbehavior. For most, the differences seem mostly a matter of philosophy and of semantics; the 'disciplinary' action assessed is usually a 'punishment' - whether its purpose is corrective or punitive."

"Discipline is defined as 'training that corrects the moral character' while punishment is defined as 'a penalty inflicted on an offender' by Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. Using those definitions, I'd define discipline as something one submits to and punishment as something that is inflicted on one. Discipline is a top sitting in a chair, ordering the bottom to get a hair brush, bare their ass and get over the top's knee. Punishment is grabbing the bottom by the scruff of the neck, pulling them over the knee, disrobing them and applying the spanking." - EWolfsbane

5. How should I approach a "vanilla" partner regarding incorporating domestic discipline into our relationship?

"This is perhaps the most universally troubling decision facing potential adherents of DD. Advice abounds - much of it contradictory. Ultimately, everyone seeking such an arrangement must decide for himself/herself which approach might prove appropriate based primarily on what is desired and on the partner's disposition and receptiveness. Here, honestly is usually the best policy (you're going to have to be frank about matters eventually, anyway.) Though not all inclusive, it'll provide considerable food for thought. You know your partner better than anyone who might offer well-meaning advice. Your judgment is about to be put to several tests, so give the matter due consideration."

"Very carefully! I would suggest first opening up the idea in a sexual, playful way and experiment with it in that form first. Gradually try to work into it by asking questions, subscribing to mailing lists and newsgroups and see if that leads to any discussions. Never expect the vanilla partner will immediately jump at the chance and go for it! Take it slow and easy and expect him or her to not want to. Let them think on it for awhile and react to it before you move on to more. After all, you have had time to sort your feelings out about it, maybe a month, six months, a year. Doesn't your partner deserve the same amount of time?"

6. Is spanking the only type of discipline used in DD?

"No. Some of the other things used are: corner time, loss of computer time, being sent to bed early, writing, extra chores,.

"Not at all. Most couples work out a plan that suits their particular needs. Many who institute spanking as a means of maintaining discipline also employ various implements such as paddles, rulers, wooden spoons, hairbrushes, canes, belts, and the life - sometimes to distinguish between degrees of offenses. Still others may make use of non-corporal punishments such as 'corner time', suspension of privileges, the assignment of onerous work, personal servitude, bestowing offended party with a gift, forfeiture of personal money, etc. - though corporal punishment of some sort seems the most universally applied."

"No. I'd include all the traditional methods of punishment and discipline: paddlings, strappings, canings and birchings all have their place. A top can have a hierarchy of instruments which are used, depending on the severity of the bottom's misdeeds. Talking back might earn one a spanking while blowing a week's pay on lottery tickets might earn a caning."

7. What are "safe words" and should we use them?

"A safe word is an 'out of the context of the scene' word that tops or temporarily stops the scene. Friends of mine use a medical safe word and a regular safe word. The medical safe word stops the scene cold and lets the top know that additional steps need to be taken, namely unrestraining the bottom and looking for possible damage. The regular lets the top know that the bottom has had too much and that the top has to slow down or stop the scene. In DD, one could disguise a regular safe word as the bottom stating he/she is 'ready to apologize' for the misdeed that he/she committed in order to stop the punishment. I won't interact with anyone without a safe word until I am absolutely sure of the person's sanity and skill level. Generally, daily playing with that person for about a year or its equivalent."

"A 'safe word' is a pre-arranged code word employed by the person being punished to alter or terminate a punishment session, usually to prevent genuine harm (as opposed to a mere sore bottom). Their use is usually predicated either on the belief that all such activities must be consensual, or on a similarly-held view that the person being punished must retain both the ability and the permission to alert the disciplinarian to the existence of unforeseen distress - thereby effecting an end to the session. Some argue, however, that 'consent' was given upon agreeing to enter into a DD arrangement in the first place, and that effective punishment cannot be left to the discretion of the malfeasant on any level. Most note that punishment is intended to be unpleasant (and indeed must be, to achieve the desired effect) and that any untoward attempt to lessen this feature will likewise reduce its beneficial effect. Still, it seems prudent to allow for the discontinuance of genuinely harmful activity - as opposed to simply avoiding further momentary discomfort being felt (which is the reason the spanking is being administered to begin with.) As with all aspects of a DD arrangement, this is a matter for each couple to decide."

"No - they should not be necessary."

"We both feel that it is very important to have safe words in place and to use them if need be. They should only be used for real emergencies, though, not just because comfort levels are being exceeded. For instance, to go to the bathroom, a medical emergency (real medical reasons that your partner may not be aware of), or any unexpected emergency. In other words, it has to be a really good reason for it, not just 'I don't want to' or 'it hurts too much' "

"My system here is that I will always, always stop for a safe word. Then I get to evaluate the reason, or I would, except that this has not yet happened. If there is a valid reason, then there is no problem. If I feel that it ha been used frivolously, however, the spanking will start again FROM THE BEGINNING! That seems fair, and it works for us."

8. How should we differentiate between erotic spanking and spanking for discipline? Don't they overlap?

"For us, there are various differences which help to make it obvious. In an erotic spanking, it's usually done for stupid reasons, first off. For instance, it could be anything from 'because it is raining' to 'you are breathing too loud.' In other words, very stupid reasons. They also tend to be more drawn out, more playful, more touching, feeling, sexual play, etc. For the disciplinary spankings, it is for actual reasons predetermined by us. They are harder, quicker, more controlling and are not playful in any way. With the differences in feelings and general atmosphere between the two, we don't usually have a problem with them overlapping."

"An erotic spanking is more of a BDSM thing rather than a DD thing."

"Here again opinions vary widely. Some argue that anything (spanking) indulged in as an erotic activity couldn't possibly be used in a disciplinary setting. Many have found, however, that the two flavors may be kept separate by significantly altering the setting and tempo (e.g. tone of voice, severity, absence of 'working up to' a strong intensity, avoidance of fondling, etc.) of a session. Certainly some do encounter such an 'overlap', finding an erotic element to having one's bare bottom turned over the spouse's knee (or vice versa) regardless of the intended disciplinary nature of the session. Some have found a subsequent sexual interlude acceptable - so long as the session itself is not disrupted prior to its completion - serving to bring a closure of sorts to the episode."

9. What are some suggestions for pre- and post-discipline session times?

"Generally, the adoption of a stern, matter-of-fact countenance (accompanied by scolding, for some) makes for a good beginning. There are couples who consider the buildup essential, heightening the anxiety of the owner of the soon-to-be-reddened buttocks; some favor a deliberate delay of up to several hours in administering a prescribed spanking precisely to increase the malfeasant's dread. Afterward, a related activity - corner time, for example - might be employed to reinforce the experience (or merely to add to embarrassment). Some prefer to immediately begin the healing process, applying cold compresses or lotion to the sore bottom, cuddling, etc. - reinforcing the message that the episode has ended, the penalty has been paid, all is forgiven, and it's time to put the matter behind you and move on."

"For us, the only rule we have is one that applies no matter how severe the session is. After the spanking, we have a time where we hug each other no matter what, and reassure each other that we love each other and are loved. It works great for us!"

"Pre-discipline: Dressing in proper discipline uniform (plain skirt, white starched shirt and tie). Standing at attention in front of disciplinarian for a very long and thorough lecture. Preparation and concentration time in the corner - at least 30 minutes. Post-discipline: Calm down time in the corner - at least one hour. Apology/thanking to the disciplinarian. Apology acceptance and hugs/kisses."

"This I see as essential. I love my wife deeply and really do not want to hurt her at all. spanking for us was always a game, until recently. If I have to give a punishment spanking, it obviously has to be somewhat extra to a play session, so we often end up pushing my comfort levels as well as hers! This hugfest afterwards helps me feel better about what I have done, and it reassures my wife that she is forgiven, and that I still love her. As an aside, since starting this 'experiment' about six weeks ago, I love my wife more than ever before. We feel so much closer in every way, and our sex life has improved beyond recognition!"

10. What are some common rules used in a domestic discipline relationship? (e.g., what type of behavior warrants discipline and what types of discipline are used?)

"Behavior that warrants discipline: overspending, bad language, not showing respect, slopping dressing habits, etc. Types of discipline: spankings, strappings, canings, mouth washings, standing at attention, punishments tasks, groundings, discipline uniforms, etc."

"I believe the bottom has the right to know what they're being punished for. They also have the right to explain themselves before they are punished. The punishment should also fit the crime. A hundred strokes with a cane might be excessive for being late."

"A lot of our rules were set by my wife herself. We talked at great length about where we were going with this, and then she drew up a form of contract, which lists our rights and responsibilities under the agreement. I do not feel that it is appropriate for me to unilaterally impose rules on her; we are partners after all. If she comes up with it, then I can incorporate it into our system knowing that there is no resentment building, and that she accepts my punishment."

"Usually specific rules are developed because they address issues likely to cause discord. Each couple must reach agreement regarding what is (and what isn't) 'fair game'. Discuss likes and dislikes, pet peeves, etc. Some include the completion of routine household tasks, cleaning up after oneself, financial and household budget concerns, personal affronts, personal fitness/improvement programs, late arrival, use of unacceptable language, etc. It is probably advisable to guard against going overboard with the establishment of rules - especially at first. Many DD arrangements become burdensome and unwieldy as a result of trying to address every contingency with a set rule. Be reasonable in your expectations; you can always add to the list of taboos later."

11. Can I be a feminist and still practice domestic discipline?

"YES! YES!! YES!!! Definitely!!! If you think back to the original feminist movement, the whole basis of it was for women to have their choice of how they wished to live their lifestyle. By choosing domestic discipline, you are more of a feminist than those who profess loudly and demandingly that they are. Why? Because you are CHOOSING to live this kind of lifestyle and you are deciding what is right for you! Those who dare to do what feels right for them are the real feminists, not the ones who conform to what society thinks is right for them."

"Sure. Why not? though some embrace the concept of the 'submissive wife', it isn't a universally held view among DD adherents. A DD arrangement of any sort is intended to preserve domestic harmony - not to serve as a commentary on the woman's role in the modern world. Besides … don't forget that some couples balance the scales by making both parties subject to the rules - and the penalties. Isn't that the epitome of equality? It's helpful to bear in mind, also, that DD arrangements specifically designating the husband as the 'head of the household' usually also clearly define the wife's role - and she's more often than not vested with certain powers and authority that would tend to belie her role to the uninformed observer."

12. Why use domestic discipline at all? Whatever happened to the idea of asking and receiving forgiveness?

"Sometimes, simple forgiveness isn't enough. Perhaps one party feels particularly wronged, or one might be hauling around a load of guilt over something that was done. DD provides an avenue to address such matters, express dissatisfaction in a relatively harmless manner (reddened bottom notwithstanding), seek an outlet for remorse, and disarm a potentially damaging situation. Moreover, its intent is to correct faults, unacceptable behavior, and harmful patterns - which is not likely to be accomplished via simple forgiveness."

"Because it is so thrilling.

"This is just another method of asking and granting forgiveness. It clears the air, and makes us both feel better about having dealt with the problem instead of just pushing it under the carpet and ignoring it. They don't often go away when you do that! By going willingly (if not joyfully!) across my knee, my wife is asking for forgiveness. By dealing with the offense in an appropriate manner, and then hugging afterwards, I am demonstrating my forgiveness."

13. Is this desire for domestic discipline normal, or does it come from a warped psyche?

"There's no such thing as normal"

"Certainly many long-time devotees of this lifestyle have questioned their own 'normalcy' at one time or another. Still others remain obsessively discreet to avoid embarrassment. That you might be drawn to DD (or even BDSM, for that matter), however, does not in and of itself suggest that there's anything 'wrong' with you. DD was practiced for untold generations - and was in fact the 'norm' for quite some time. Only in recent decades has society moved away from it. Indeed, the apparent trend toward returning to such arrangements suggests a return to 'normal' - not a move away from it."

"Who knows? Maybe a bit of both. Personally, I would say that DD is more normal and the non-DD world is the one with the warped psyche. Why? Look at history alone. Men have always been the hunters, the protectors, the lords of the manor, the king of the castle so to say. Now, they are none of that. Women were always the child rearers, the gatherers, the ones at home taking care of the castle, the ones who supported the husbands emotionally in the ways that worked best and the husbands had the right to discipline them. For hundreds of years the divorce rates were very, very low. Now, the sixties changed all that to where no ones knows who they are supposed to be or what they are supposed to do and no one is happy anymore. The divorce rate has tripled, there are more cases of depression now than ever before and no one is truly happy. We are now going against nature and our own biological wiring. So where is the warped psyche? I feel the desire is perfectly normal for some and is nothing that we should have to feel afraid of exposing. It is not for everyone, no, but then again, even 100 years ago, not everyone did it either."

14. I've heard that domestic discipline helps "unburden one's conscious" and provides "emotional relief". How is that accomplished?

"Many report a sense of relief over having 'paid for' a transgression, much like a penance. Some who feel genuine guilt over having upset their partners feel better knowing that they've provided said partner with the chance to 'get even' or 'vent'. There seems to follow a DD session an atmosphere of having put right a situation created by the malfeasant's misbehavior - and the psyche is salved by having restored a sense of balance to the home. Some even subject themselves to their spouses; punishing hands as a surrogate - having their partners spank them for wrongs committed against others - finding in such manner the needed absolution, having paid in some way for their wrongdoing (it's not really practical to offer one's bottom to the checkout clerk at the grocery store for having been short-tempered, now, is it?). For some that tend to dissolve their stomach linings from the inside out as a result of wrangling with guilt and remorse, it's the perfect compromise."

"I see this as accomplished through the punishment and not being stuck wondering if you did something your partner didn't like. You will be punished if you do screw up … and if it is consistent and you are not punished, then you didn't screw up and there is no reason to dwell on something forever. There is emotional relief and the unburdening of one's conscious before it has time to build and become a problem. For someone who tends to dwell on every little thing, it really does free you mind, let you relax and just enjoy life to its fullest."

Monday, May 17, 2010


I sit here looking at the blank screen, knowing what i want to write, but having trouble putting it to words. Here it is Monday morning and another weekend has escaped me. I have so many thoughts dancing around in my head that it is as busy in here as my life outside of my head, that i always seem to be tired. I have never been one of those people that sit back and let things take care of themselves, I always seem to want to push it, force it to go in the direction that I think it will turn out best. This does not seem to always be the best way to do things. I want so bad to live out my lifestyle fantasy to make it a reality that I keep trying to force it to fit instead of letting it come naturally. A friend of mine said that once i relax and just let things find their own way that it will all work out for the better. I sure hope she is right and that it will take its own course and i will find myself back on the right track in no time at all. Frustration seems to want to take over and if i want this to work out in the end i must take it slow and just let it do what ever it is going to untill it all just falls into place.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

in touch with myself

Have been doing a lot of soul searching lately, thinking how i can change my thought process back to that as a submissive. I never realized how deep i buried my submissive side. I have to change the "me" process of thinking back to putting someone else a head of myself. I have come to understand that i can be a really selfish person. I so want the feeling i used to have when i was in service to my Dominant counter part. The deep sense of belonging to someone else, that everything you do effects not only yourself but also your partner putting his needs and wants above everyone Else's, even your own. Taking care of myself because he expects his property to be ship shape. I will be spending sometime each afternoon/evening reflecting on myself and my pattern of behavior. Striving ever more a head on my journey to become the best submissive i can be.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Men never listen

HYSTERICAL...if you are at work, cover your mouth, you WILL laugh out loud!!

In a Chicago Hospital , a gentleman had made several attempts to get into the men's restroom, but it had always been occupied.

A nurse noticed his predicament.
Sir, she said "You may use the ladies room if you promise not to touch any of the buttons on the wall."
He did what he needed to, and as he sat there he noticed the buttons he had promised not to touch.
Each button was identified by letters: WW , WA , PP20 and a red one labeled ATR..
Who would know if he touched them? ;
He couldn't resist.. He pushed WW. Warm water was sprayed gently upon his bottom.
What a nice feeling, he thought.
Men's restrooms don't have nice things like this.
Anticipating greater pleasure, he pushed the WA button. Warm air replaced the warm water, gently drying his underside.

When this stopped, he pushed the PP button. A large powder puff caressed his bottom adding a fragile scent of spring flower to this unbelievable pleasure. The ladies restroom was more than a restroom,
it is tender loving pleasure.

When the powder puff completed its pleasure, he couldn't wait to push the ATR button which he knew would be supreme ecstasy.

Next thing he knew he opened his eyes, he was in a hospital bed, and a nurse was staring down at him.

"What happened?" he exclaimed. "The last thing I remember was pushing the ATR button."

"The button ATR is an Automatic Tampon Remover. Your penis is under your pillow."


Friday, April 9, 2010


by Brian Quinn

When all about you is black with gloom,
And all you feel is pending doom.
When your bones are racked with grim despair -
When every breath is a gasp for air.
Keep on going, though you need to grope,
For around the bend is a ray of hope.

A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,
As your will to live has been bereft.
You've lost it all, it's just no use!
You can end it all, you need no excuse.
But throw away that piece of rope,
And give yourself a chance of hope.

Just give yourself another day,
Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.
This is your life and you can make a new start,
By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.
Taking baby steps in order to cope,
And minute by minute you'll build on your hope.

Build on your hope,. one day at a time,
Though the road be steep and hard to climb.
The hurts of the past - they should be dead.
The fears of the future are all in your head.
Just live in the present and refuse to mope
Your life will sparkle for you're living in hope.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two Snowflakes

A friend sent this to me...


Two snowflakes met within a cloud
In mists of winter's space
He, a flake of icy white
And she, a star of lace

The cloud was heavy, winds were strong
In dark mid-winter night
Then both held hands and tried to
Stay together in the flight

Then tumbling down they lost their grip
He kept in sight her face
He said, I'll find you on the ground,
My crystal star of lace

In dawning hour the sun arose
The flake looked near and far
Rising with each whispering wisp
To find his crystal star

And there she was, lit by the sun
So delicate and clear
Among the millions, only one
He wanted to be near

Then children came outside to play
To build a man of snow
She said this is the end for us
For I have got to go

They wrapped her in a ball of snow
Which then became a face
She sparkled in the morning light
This crystal star of lace

He too was packed into the cheek
And both remained for days
She said what will become of us
In sun's now warming rays

He said the sun will melt us both
And to the ground we'll fall
But I will not forget your face,
The brightest star of all

I'll follow you to nearby streams
And into rivers flow
I'll follow you into the sea
Wherever you may go

One day we'll rise together in
the haze of summer heat
And somewhere in a cloud of white
The two of us will meet

The winds will send us onward
To the place of winter storm
You'll form into a crystal star
With frozen heart so warm

Above the January earth
In gatherings of mist
I'll find you there, my star of lace
Just waiting to be kissed

Thursday, April 1, 2010

TPE Total Power Exchange

I found this artical on (Yes Master BDsm Resource Site)

TPE/APE - Nov 12 2004

I have been trying for days to organize and write my thoughts on TPE (Total Power Exchange) and APE (Absolute Power Exchange). There have been many debates transpiring lately on the mailing list and message boards and even others journals that have brought these two together. I found a definition of TPE from the book Screw the Roses Give me the Thorns and it states “TPE is the empowerment of the Dominant BY the submissive's surrender to His/Her control. The power exchange is consensual and should be well negotiated. The depth of power yielded by the submissive is equal to the level of responsibility assumed by the Dominant.”

I immediately read this and went “How can this be Total?” Total is defined as “The whole amount, constituting the full quantity or extent; complete; "an entire town devastated by an earthquake"; "gave full attention"; "a total failure, including everything; "the overall cost"; "the total amount owed", without conditions or limitations, complete in extent or degree and in every particular” I think you get the idea. The definition of total is very straightforward. It encompasses everything, all of it. Yet the definition from a very well written book, and from numerous websites imply that this TPE is dependent upon how much power the Master wants and how much power the consensual slave is willing to give. Is this not with conditions and limitations and a complete and utter contradiction of the definition of “total.”

Absolute Power exchange was a little more difficult to define but I did look up definitions for the word “Absolute.” Something that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control; "no mortal being can influence the absolute” perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; complete and without restriction or qualification: not limited by law; without conditions or limitations; any belief, doctrine, concept or idea that is regarded as complete unto itself and therefore subject to no exterior circumstance or condition; Complete and without conditions.” Once again the definition is pretty straightforward and I believe even more rigid in a BDSM sense then the term “total” and unrealistic. Unattainable. One common flaw amongst all of us, be it Master/Dom, sub/slave is that we are human, and we are not perfect. Hence nothing we do will ever be “absolute.”

From here I have read numerous websites, which posted their opinions on it. Many subs/slaves wrote, “we strive for TPE/APE, I desire to be a TPE/APE slave, my goal is to be a TPE/APE slave.” Instead of reaching for unattainable goals, why not set realistic goals suitable for the relationship you’re in. We are told over and over again when planning our lives or trying to make that all important career move, to never set the bar “too high” for if you can’t reach that bar and meet those goals, then frustration, and eventually failure will set in. A Master/slave relationship is unique to each party involved and no website or definition should be the driving force in what sets your goals. You would never set your goals too high in your career or education so why set it too high for the most important part of your life…your relationship.

Another couple of websites really disturbed me with their remarks. Stating things such as “unhealthy, signs of lack of self esteem and self confident, total bullshit.” And this too disturbed me for no one; regardless of whom it is has any right to imply that another person has no self esteem or self confident. I am a consensual slave; our relationship is probably among the few whom can say they are together 99.9 percent of the time. I do believe, we are about as much a TPE/APE (per the BDSM definition) as a relationship can get. And I, in no way, lack any self-confident or self-esteem, if Master held a knife to my throat, I would not flinch, not because of fear, not because of lack of self-confident or self-esteem, but more because I am confident. I am confident that He would never ever injure me. Our relationship is neither absolute nor total, we are human, with conditions and limitations, be it vanilla society, our health, sheesh even old age! Yes I am always His slave but I am not perfect, He is not perfect, character flaw I guess.

Ok so that’s still not enough and you want to strive for TPE/APE. The first thing is, quit your job, both of you. How can you be apart from each other 8 to 10 hours a day and be a TPE/APE relationship? This is not possible. You are driving to work; driving in itself is a responsibility and gives you, the slave, control. You decided which route to take to work; you decide which radio station to listen to. You get to work, and yes you have control, every position has control and responsibility, hence how can you be a TPE/APE slave if you or Him works. It’s not possible. And how can He work and leave you at home, once again you have some level of control, some level of power, there is conditions and limitations placed upon your TPE/APE relationship, one being work. Yes it is feasible to both quit your jobs and stay at home and work. Yes it can be “real.” Master and I do it and so can any other person on this planet do it. But that still doesn’t make us or you TPE/APE as per the modern day society’s definition.

So you quit both jobs. Now what in this search for a TPE/APE relationship? Honestly I do not know. In my opinion in order to have a TPE/APE relationship the two of you have to be together, always. You as a slave are never allowed to make any decision, that is power, power is control. Essentially to be TPE/APE one would have to leash the slave and drag them around where ever the Master went. All decisions would be the Masters. She just exists. No more, no thought, no opinion. There would be no outside interference such as grocery shopping or the cable coming to the home and there would be no limitations such as me having MS, and don’t even think about getting old!

Yes, I do not understand this infatuation with TPE/APE and why we have to place such strict labels upon it. You can sit there and say, it is mental but anyone with any education and knowledge will ask you how can it be “absolute” when absolute implies perfect. The BDSM Community needs to stop manipulating words for their own benefit. We have the right to live as we desire but not the right to re-write the English language to suite our needs.

Master and I do not like labels, when the BDSM Community calls for us to place a label upon our relationship we call it TPE. That is something we rarely do and rarely define us as doing. We are Master and consensual slave; we have chosen a lifestyle that few could do. We are not TPE/APE for we are human, definite character flaws to being TPE/APE. I honestly am not sure if any word or definition would suite our relationship, other then believing in each other and satisfying each other’s needs regardless of what the BDSM groups think, or the vanilla society thinks. I am His always and I don’t need to strive for TPE or APE, I only need to strive to please Him and to learn how to keep Him happy.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Submissive Creed

I will communicate with complete honesty my needs, desires, limits, and experience. I realize that failing to do so will not only prevent my Master and I from having the best experience possible, but can also lead to physical and emotional harm. I will not try to manipulate my Master. I will not push to make a scene go the way I feel it should. I will keep an open mind about trying things that I am not accustomed to or comfortable with and expanding my limits. I will continue to grow as a submissive and as a human being. I will accept the responsibility of discovering what pleases my Master, and will do my best to fulfill His wishes and desires. I will not allow myself to be harmed or abused, I know that submissive does not equal "doormat".

I will be courteous and helpful to my fellow submissives, I will share my knowledge and experiences with others in the hope that they will learn from where I have been I will take the time to help those new to the scene start out on the correct path.

I will be responsive to my Master, I will not try to hide what my mind and body are feeling so that I may assist Him in His responsibilities as my Authority, I know that Dominants are not telepathists, and will not expect my Master to know thought or feelings which I do not share.

I will never think myself a "better" submissive because I choose to submit on a different level than another. I will not be boastful of experiences I have had as a sub. I know that my actions reflect upon my Master, and will do my best to help others see him in a positive way. I will not intentionally embarrass or displease my Master.

Above all, I will wear my title of submissive with honor. I will never cause others to think that being submissive means to be weak or sub~human. I will take pride in who and what I am, and will never show myself in a negative way.

posted by Sir Anthony at 12:46 PM

A Master's Prayer

All rights reserved. This is an original article by S. Garrett. 8/31/01. Submissive Loving holds exclusive rights.

My Last Submissive. A Master's Prayer?

My next Sub will be my last. She will be as devoted to me as I am to her. She will trust in my loyalty and my judgement. She will feel safe in my presence and still feel my protection in my absence. She will never mistake sensitivity and caring for weakness.

She will share her problems with me. Not in an attempt to have me take them off her shoulders but as a pupil sharing with a tutor. She will take as much joy in learning from me as I take in teaching. She will take pride in the way that people respect my opinion. She will feel such pleasure when her friends consult me for advice. She will know that I will take responsibility for their welfare too. She will take pleasure in my pride of her too. As she goes about her duties at home or work, she will feel my eyes on her approving her intelligence and diligence. She will await eagerly the opportunity to share her triumphs with me and will revel in the feeling of my proud arms as they wrap around her.

She will recognise that the physical manifestation of my need for her will take the form of sex; but she will know that it is her I need rather than the sex. She will know that our erotic explorations are simply explorations of each other. She will see my need for her at the most inappropriate times and revel in the warmth of that; knowing as she does that I would do nothing to damage her standing with friends, family or colleagues. She will find it as exciting to be always available to my lust as I do in knowing it to be so. She will take so much pleasure in my need that it will be her constant preoccupation to inspire even more need. She will find the joy of my response to her imaginative stimulation enthralling. She will use everything at her disposal, including other men and women to take my need to greater heights.

Though sometimes coloured by fear, her eagerness to see how I intend to stretch her limits once more, will know no bounds. Her anticipation will be liquid and speed her back to our home. For all her obedience and devotion she will be demanding. I will feel challenged to satisfy all her needs and she will recognise the achievement when it is done. She will know that no other could satisfy her so. Though, mischievously, she will identify anyone that has the appearance of being able to and taunt me with how eager she is to make them to attempt to do so.

She will be totally open with me and neither hide or filter any thoughts, feelings, responses or actions from me. She will do so, safe in the knowledge that while I can be assured of her candour, I will never judge her. Only those thoughts and actions that she tries not to share will be considered transgressions. She will know and understand that outside of those activities that I have specifically directed her in, she has total freedom and will exercise that freedom with alacrity, never suppressing any desire or impulse. She will know that this license in no way reduces her right to exclusive access to my heart and desire.

She will know that I love her dearly and will return that depth of feeling. She will have no more choice in this than I do. She will be in my power and I in hers. We each will be besotted with the core of the other and this will transcend any other attraction. This joy will last me the rest of my life.

Slave’s Prayer

Allow me the Serenity to serve Him in peace

Allow me the Love to show Him myself

Allow me the Tenderness to comfort Him

Allow me the Light to show us the way

Allow me the Wisdom to be an asset to Him

Let me be able to show Him each day my love of service to Him

Let me open myself up to completely belong to Him

Let me accept my punishments with grace

Let me learn to please Him beyond myself

Grant me the power to give myself to Him completely

Give me the strength to please us both

Permit me to love myself in loving Him

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I want in a perfect Dom

I have often been asked What I want in a Dominant, Well there are many things so bare with me, as I sort threw my mind, and try to put it in decent order. I feel that the one thing a Dom must be is consistant. It is a very hard trait to find. Let me explain what consistant means to me. It means, when a rule is set down, it is carved in stone. That rule should not be altered or changed, And the consequence of that rule being broken, should be one fitting to the injustice. That punishments should only be put off or delayed, because of a life threating incident. That any schedules made, should be followed except in the case of illness, or the sickness, or death of close family. A Dom should be able to stand by his word. As a Dom should be consistant in the training and maintaining of his submissive/slave, he should also be just as consistant in the rewarding of his submissive/slave. Positive reinforcement equals positive behavior.

I feel that a Dom must be strict, and demanding, but, also understanding and loving. A Dom must not ever, Punish a submissive/slave while angry, or under the influence of any mood altering drug. He must be fair in the dealing with his submissive/slave, He should be willing to hear her side of things, with the underderstanding that no matter how she/he feels. the Dominant has the last word. He should rule with and Iron fist, and love with the depths of his heart. Among all of those things a Dom should also be a teacher and a strong leader. I know this is at its best unrealistic, but it is my idea of what I would want in the perfect Dom.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Master Pigs Slave Rules

This is very good reading for novice and expert alike.

Pig's Slave Rules
I'd like to share Pig's Slave Rules with you, but before I do, I'd like to direct you to
128 Basic Slave Rules written by Master John.
Please read them first. If they are no longer at the site reference, you can find many links to it from a Google Search on 'slave rules'.

Ok, now you've read them and I assume that if you're a Dom, you are in 100% agreement and if you're a sub, you have a screaming case of the thigh sweats right about now. Well, I too am in full agreement with them and have used a similar list over the years.

But for me, at least, there's a bit of a problem with this list. My take on this list is that it's a great list for week-end couples, which is only to say that for the average Dom and sub, following these rules would be easy if they were together on weekends and stolen evenings ... times filled with early anticipation, excited meetings, boundless energy stored up over times apart. My slave is a fairly complex and very intelligent woman, capable of a considerable degree of multi-tasking ... and my take is that if I were to insist that she follow these rules 24/7 and dedicate herself to what they actually say, she'd have precious little time to actually have a life let alone actually get around to serving me.

As for me, I doubt I'd have the energy to monitor 128 rules on a 24/7 basis - if Master John can, I tip my hat to him - He's a better PIG than I.

Without taking a thing away from Master John, his sharp insites or his experience, I put forth a set of my own slave rules that are more tailored to the life that I lead.

As a note .. these are the actual rules that I use with my slave and they have proven reliable, valuable and possible. For those of you fortunate enough to know her, you can see that both she and I manage a pretty reasonably healthy life with them. But it's also important to point out that we have both broken these rules from time to time, we've both fallen from the pure faith on more than one occasion, but when that happens - you repair the damage to the best of your abilities and move forward again, and always re-center yourself back to the rules.

Please feel free to adopt these rules verbatim in your life!

Since the initial posting, my slave reminded me of some rules I forgot ... that she has been following all along ... Geez, don't I feel like a Pig!

The Basic Slave Rules
1) You are in my life for my comfort, convenience and pleasure. Period.

Owning you requires an immense effort on my part combined with great amounts of work and responsibility. These are things that I cheerfully take on in order to get what I want from you and not for any other reason. Don't think for a minute that the reason you are in my life is to make your life better. I sincerely hope that is a side benefit but it is not the reason.

Don't EVER forget rule #1 or you might see me start to look for a new Master for you.

2) You will obey me without question or hesitation at all times, regardless of context to the very best of your abilities.

Without hesitation means that you are in motion before the command has completely left my lips. Without question means that this is not the time to question my reasons, fill me in on your thoughts or reactions or make any vocalizations at all except possibly "Yes, Master." No, I do NOT think that you are an idiot, or that you have nothing to say - we have been together long enough that I recognize that look on your face, possibly that arched eyebrow as you are in motion and I WILL use that sign as an opportunity to scan the surroundings and possibly rethink my order in plenty of time to correct myself before whatever you're afraid of actually happens.

3) You will be given certain rituals to follow that are not subject to any conditions, your mood or the circumstances:

You will at all times address me as "Master" and you will use no other term to describe me. Under a very few circumstances where that term might cause people around us to be made uncomfortable (and I will teach you those times), you may address me as "Sir" or in THE most awkward of times, you may simply address me by speaking to me, without greeting. What you will never do is address me or even refer to me by my given name unless filling out a police report.

When I enter your presence (or you enter mine) where we have been separated for more than a few minutes, you will immediately stop whatever you are doing, go to your knees with your hands on your thighs, with your head forward (not bowed) but your eyes lowered. There will be instances where such behavior would make the people around us unnecessarily uncomfortable (something we have no right to do) and in those instances, where kneeling is not possible, you will act as follows: If seated, you will rise. If standing you will sit. If neither of those are possible, you will cease your conversation or other action, face me as I enter and come to a relaxed "attention" until I show you some form of recognition, which may be as subtle as a nod of my head in your direction.

I have my reasons for certain rituals and I perhaps do not have the inclination to share my reasons with you. They are a necessary sign of your subservience and they will be followed - that is all you need to know.

4) When I speak, you will become instantly silent, even if I'm interrupting you.

This is just the way it is. In a 'weekend world' you would be silent and you would not speak unless spoken to. In a 24/7 world, I would miss too much of your wit and your wisdom, but that's not to say that I don't want the formality of unquestioned attentiveness.

5) Your body, and all that it carries, is available to me, or anyone I direct, at any time, for any reason, for any action and you will not show the slightest hesitation or fear in that regard.

You will keep this in mind at all times and maintain your clothing and personal hygiene in a manner consistent with this rule. You may assume that I will use you, have you used, or shown off without any prior warning or time to prepare.

6) Your mind is likewise mine for the same reasons.

As I tell you how to think or what to think about a given situation, that is the thought, idea or concept that you are to embrace immediately. There will be time enough for you to question, to ask for clarification, or to even try to convince me that you have a better way, but that time is never at the moment that I command your mind or your body. . Never.

7) You will conform to a dress code at all times:

O You will never wear underwear or panties except in certain cases that we will discuss in advance.
O You will wear dresses and skirts exclusively, 24/7 except in cases that we will discuss in advance.

O Only one layer of fabric may cover your nipples. If you wear a bra that covers your nipples, you will wear nothing over it. If you wear a blouse, dress, t-shirt or any other top, you will wear a bra that exposes the nipples or none at all.

O You will wear heels at all times when out of the house, except in cases that we discuss in advance.
O When seated anywhere, you will arrange your skirt or dress so that your bare ass is touching the seat.

8) You will wear you collar, your wrist and ankle cuffs at all times, except in cases we discuss in advance.

9) When someone, anyone reaches to touch your body, you will present yourself to them.

O If they reach for your breasts, you will gently push into their hand.
O If they reach between your legs or up your skirt, you will spread your legs that they can get better access.
O Things placed to your lips are to be licked.
O Furthermore, when the opportunity presents itself, you will thank them for honoring you with their attention.
O Even when you are not in my presence, you will not resist any contact except in cases where you have good reason to feel that your personal safety is at stake.

10) In your public life, you will address all males as "Sir" and all females as "Ma'am"

You are not a mindless creature and I rarely expect you to act that way. To that end, I don't expect you to show anyone else in your life any more respect than they have earned, but the form of address is a way that I expect you to show respect for the position I have created for you.

11) In the living room of my house, or the living room of anyone whose house you are in, the furniture is off limits.

You will, in these instances, confine yourself to the floor, whether it be kneeling, sitting or laying. Pillows from around the house are certainly welcome as it's not my desire to have you be uncomfortable. Just as the rituals you follow say to me I obey the rules... this rule, and your unquestioning and consistent obedience to it says I know my place and am grateful for you to have me in my place. This act tells me more about what you are and your devotion than most of the frank conversations we ever have.

12) When following an order or any time you are being clearly treated as a slave, a Thank You is required.

Use the opportunity to reflect on how many times I have, of necessity, done what is required of me according to my responsibilities - not the least of which have been to see to your needs ... and be grateful that you have a place to be in, that you have a Master that treats you as a slave .. and say "Thank You". Oddly enough, the more distasteful the act, the more important it is for you to say "Thank You" with genuine feeling.

13) Your money, from any job that I allow you to have, is MY money.

In my perfect world I would take care of your every financial need. I would give you an allowance from my pocket and see to it that every cent that you make is saved for you for a time when I may not be around or something dreadful might happen. But the world isn't always perfect and as I recall, when I tried that I kept forgetting to leave you the allowance and it was more trouble for you than it was worth. Just don't forget that I as I see you as my property, I see that your property is also mine - to take care of, be responsible for, and to use as I see fit.

These rules constitute the basic rules of your participation in my life. If you break these rules, you will be punished.

If you deliberately break one of these rules, I will most likely apply pain as punishment ... and not the kind you like, either - the kind that will most likely cause you to cry.

If you try and fail, we will examine the situation, first to see if I've pushed you past your capabilities, second if what I asked was in any way unclear, third if there's anything I could have done better to enable you to succeed and finally and only then to see if what I asked was unfair.

If you fail to try I will reevaluate if you still have a place in my life.

The Advanced Slave Rules
These are the rules that will allow you to succeed or cause you to fail
They are only for advanced slaves ... do not try this at home!

14) It is important to me, and should be important to you, that you are enamored with and devoted to being a slave regardless of the costs.

I want you to be more devoted to being a slave than to being my slave. I want you to be more in love with your own slavery than you are with me. This is not to say that I don't love you nor that you shouldn't love me. In fact, it's likely that we are in love with each other, but I insist and I demand that you be more in love with your slavery than you are with me. I may choose to explain that to you in great detail, or I may expect that you trust me when I say that it's a concept that can save you from so many ills that I couldn't even explain them all.

I may test your devotion at any time, for any reason, perhaps have you serve someone else, someone for which you have no great affection .. possibly even a disdain - to put you in a situation where you have no reason to want to be in ... other than for you to see that you can be a good slave ... because you are a slave.

15) I may have my reasons for pursuing other interests with other women and I insist this to be of no concern to you.

This is not to say that you "suck it up" and just have to accept it, but that you genuinely have no concern because your own life and happiness are intact.

O Simply put, I want you to examine your own life to see that I am giving you what you need and if so, that you have no concern about what I may choose to do to get what I need.

O If you can't stand the thought that you can't be all things that any woman can be to me .. you have some personal growth to work on and I have the responsibility to help you do that.

O If you can't stand the thought of me having some happiness that doesn't in some way emanate from you, then you have even more personal issues that we must address together.

O If you can't tolerate it because you simply "won't stand for it" and you won't budge on it, then you need to be honest about that and start looking for a man that desires a Princess rather than a slave.
O You can be 'O' or you can be Scarlet O'Hara - but you can't be both.
O At least not with me you can't.

I would suspect this unlikely, because my standards are high and you are the only one I've found so far good enough, strong enough and fearless enough.

16) You need to understand above all else that my true satisfaction in having you is to watch you try and to see you succeed at each phase.

Each time you try and each time you succeed, you grow - and I get a little more proud of you.

17) You need to understand and take to heart that my life is as incredibly complex as I attempt to make yours straightforward and simple.

On the days that I come home dog-tired and beat-up from battling the dragons of my life you will find that I have little time and energy to be 'Master.' Every time you continue to treat me as Master I gain strength from you and my load gets a bit lighter. Every time you take advantage of my lack of energy and/or desire, break a rule, slip a protocol or ritual when I have neither the time or energy to correct you, I still notice, and my world gets a bit darker - It is precisely these times that I get a glimpse of how devoted you truly are (or aren't) to being a slave and how that mirrors my success (or failure) as a Master.

18) Since we live together 24/7 and since we engage in all the things that so-called 'normal couples' do, it is logical and good that we share these experiences together.

I love your mind, your wicked sense of humor, your smart-assed remarks. I enjoy your intellect and I listen to your opinions far more often that you suspect I do. If I were less of a man, I'd be embarrassed to mention the countless times I have learned from your example and altered my behavior because you've shown me a higher path.

Having said that, I caution you: It's true what they say about familiarity breeding contempt. The more we are together, the more you will see that I have fears, weaknesses and feet of clay - many times I am less perfect than I insist that you be. If you ever get it in your head that we are partners, lovers or friends, you may doom yourself - or at least doom us.

Yes, we are all those things. You are possibly the closest friend I've ever had, you are about the smartest person I know, I rarely have a thought or desire that doesn't cause me to reflect on you, what you will feel, or how you react, and I have come to be very clearly in love with you.......

But when I think of you, I think of you first and foremost as a slave - a piece of property that I may do with as I please without immediate regard to your concerns. For my reasons, ones that I don't care to explain, I am a Master first, second and third ... and a friend, partner and/or lover way down the list.

Whether that's good or bad, happy, sad or dysfunctional, that's my life and the way I choose to live it and for you to be a part of it, you must see yourself first, second and third as a slave in order for you to be happy with the life I provide you.

Now .. some of you might be confused by these rules.

It's my goal to provide my slave a life within which she can grow and stretch - to be all she can be without having to join the Army, where the comforts, priviledges and even obstacles before her are either created by or at least to some extent controlled by me.

I also try to give more than I get - I provide security and structure without confining, Order and discipline without oppression, exploration and excitement without excessive danger.

It works because she treasures these things ... and it had better work because the price she pays is to surrender everything else.

And yes, before you note it .. there are places where I lift her up and elevate her world ... others where it seems like I deliberately lower (or devaluate if you will) her. Well guess what ?

Sometimes Pigs are like that!

Friday, February 19, 2010

101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned

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My Limits

In this lifestyle submissives have certain limits, some of them are Hard (can not be changed)and some of them are pushable.
My limits are as follows....
No Children, No animals, No Blood, No Scat, No Urine play, No Knifeplay or edgeplay, No affixiation, and No Dead people!!!
that is all of my limits so far.

What a Master should be

I found this on A submissives Journey (
I could not say this better myself....

What a Master should be is like most things in our "Lifestyle", are

personal choices. Each submissive and Dom are different, seeking different

things. In both the lifestyle and BDSM, the level of obedience and pain are

not the same for each person. It is important that you find a Master who

matches your limits, expectations, hopes and dreams. Yet a Master that is

firm enough to take to the depths of submission that you ultimately need

and desire. Here is my opinion what a Master should be.

He is a dominant man , a strong man. He has confidence and control of

Himself, as well a position in society and life. He knows what he wants

from His submissive and life. He is independent, has goals and dreams and

follows them. He stands up for His beliefs. He is an individual and leader.

He respects women and cherishes the one he chooses for His submissive.

He understands, cares, loves and revels in her presence. He is intelligent,

teaches and trains her with understanding and patience. He slowly

possesses her. He gentle pushes her limits, opens her mind to a new world.

He always shows her that she is strong, that her limits are not what she

believes they are. Taking her further than her dreams had previous known,

while giving her confidence and self-esteem. He cherishes, cares, protects,

and loves her. When she is ill, He cares for her. When she is exhausted he

lets her rest, stroking her hair as she drifts off to sleep. He will comfort her

when she need it, calming her fears and emotions. He guides, nurtures, and

inspires her. He knows her better, than she knows herself. He looked in

her heart and soul, holds them in His hands. Her mind is His to read, open

and to expand. Her body is His to feel and pleasure. Her heart is His to

caress, love and protect. She is His heart, mind, soul and body. She places

herself in His care, and becomes His most valued possession. He does not

take away her identity and spirit, but allows her to grow and prosper as

her own being. Her submission to Him is not out of fear for punishment,

but out of love, respect, and trust. She radiates under His love and


"What about discipline and punishment ?" you ask. To be handed out firm

but lovingly. He will Never punish in anger. He is her teacher and

trainer; anger has no place when he disciplines her. Punishment doesn't

have to physical it can be psychological. He does not do it to be harsh or

to hurt her, but out of love, devotion and forgiveness.

In my opinion, He should mold her into what He thinks she should be,

but allows her the freedom to grow and live under his loving care. She

becomes the woman; she always been with deep with in her spirit. He

takes her gift of submission seriously; knows it is special and rare; it is

not given freely to All or lightly to any. For she has given Him the gift

of her heart, soul, mind and body. He will give her life wholeness and


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You are Master i am slave

You call my soul
with the snap of
your whip
You heal my wounds
with the kiss of
your lips
your chains bound
my desire
your love sets my
heart on fire
Your comands give
me grace
for you are
Master and i am slave

No More

this poem is dedicated to my sister Sandy whom passed away in 2002

No More...

To hear your laugh

To see your smile

I would walk ten

thousand miles.

To talk to you

To hear your voice

To be with you

Would be my choice

No more hopes

No more dreams

It seems so sad

It seems so mean

No more days

No more years

and your not hear

to whipe my tears

just one more day

Just one more minute

whats my life

without you in it?

Journey of the Tear

i form in the pit of your

heartfrom there the journey starts

you try to keep me held in place

not wanting to let go

not wanting people to see

the things you do not wish to show

despite your efforts i climb slowly to the top

the emotion is to strong

me you can not stop

you quickly wipe me away

as i well up in your eye

but i escape my holding place

as you begin to cry.

Journey of a Tear

  • i form in the pit of your heartand and from there the journey startsyou try to keep me held in placenot wanting to let gonot wanting people to see thethings you do not wish to showdespite your efforts i climbslowly to the topthe emotion is to strongme you can not stopyou quickly wipe me awayas i well up in your eyebut i escape my holding placeas you begin to cry.

About my submission

As I look back on my life, I have always been a people pleaser. I have always felt better when the people around me were comfortable and had their needs met. My father had a very Dominant personality, and always demanded nothing but my best in everything. I was always striving to do anything to make him proud. As my Father passed on, I found myself empty, as I grew and began having relationships I would find myself with men whom were demanding and almost impossible to please. This continued through out my adult years. When I was in my early 20's I met a man that changed my life and made me crave something that I did not understand. I remember those familiar feelings of needing and wanting to please come rushing back and this too confused me. He added a twist that I did not expect, He punished me when i displeased him, or broke a rule he had laid down. Without knowing it I had my first taste (no matter how unhealty) of this lifestyle without knowing what it was. He started out as using anal as the utmost punishment for severe offences. It went as far as making me sit in the livingroom floor with my back to the T.V. while he would watch one of my favorite programs, to standing me in the corner, or a sound spanking with a belt. I did not understand why i craved this sort of attention and why it felt so comforting to me. So i would run from it, I would stay away weeks sometimes months at a time. I would start another relationship, and it would be missing what i had come acustom to. So no matter where I was, I would find myself calling Him begging Him to forgive me, and let me come home. He of course would with consequences to my behavior. Finally in my, ignorance of what I was, and my inability to accept that it was ok to have the feelings that I had He let me go. I stayed out of relationships for about 2 years when I had met my first husband, He was very vanilla and very abusive, it lasted for the longest 5 years of my life. A very good friend of mine took me by the hand, and sat me down He told me all about this wonderful lifestyle, He was tired of seeing me bounce from unhealthy relationships. He introduced me to the castle realm web site. I began reading, I soon realized that being submissive is not a feeling but a need, A need that is rooted deep within your soul and in your makeup as a person. That it is ok to want to please a man, to be there for him in all his needs, and it is ok for me to feel the need for correction when I fall short of being the best that I can for him and a safe way to do it. I will always be submissive, in or out of this lifestyle because it is part of who I am. I choose to want to give my gift to a man who knows what it is that I offer, one who will cherrish it, nurture it, and help it grow into something beautiful. cricket