I sit here looking at the blank screen, knowing what i want to write, but having trouble putting it to words. Here it is Monday morning and another weekend has escaped me. I have so many thoughts dancing around in my head that it is as busy in here as my life outside of my head, that i always seem to be tired. I have never been one of those people that sit back and let things take care of themselves, I always seem to want to push it, force it to go in the direction that I think it will turn out best. This does not seem to always be the best way to do things. I want so bad to live out my lifestyle fantasy to make it a reality that I keep trying to force it to fit instead of letting it come naturally. A friend of mine said that once i relax and just let things find their own way that it will all work out for the better. I sure hope she is right and that it will take its own course and i will find myself back on the right track in no time at all. Frustration seems to want to take over and if i want this to work out in the end i must take it slow and just let it do what ever it is going to untill it all just falls into place.
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