A friend sent this to me...
Two snowflakes met within a cloud
In mists of winter's space
He, a flake of icy white
And she, a star of lace
The cloud was heavy, winds were strong
In dark mid-winter night
Then both held hands and tried to
Stay together in the flight
Then tumbling down they lost their grip
He kept in sight her face
He said, I'll find you on the ground,
My crystal star of lace
In dawning hour the sun arose
The flake looked near and far
Rising with each whispering wisp
To find his crystal star
And there she was, lit by the sun
So delicate and clear
Among the millions, only one
He wanted to be near
Then children came outside to play
To build a man of snow
She said this is the end for us
For I have got to go
They wrapped her in a ball of snow
Which then became a face
She sparkled in the morning light
This crystal star of lace
He too was packed into the cheek
And both remained for days
She said what will become of us
In sun's now warming rays
He said the sun will melt us both
And to the ground we'll fall
But I will not forget your face,
The brightest star of all
I'll follow you to nearby streams
And into rivers flow
I'll follow you into the sea
Wherever you may go
One day we'll rise together in
the haze of summer heat
And somewhere in a cloud of white
The two of us will meet
The winds will send us onward
To the place of winter storm
You'll form into a crystal star
With frozen heart so warm
Above the January earth
In gatherings of mist
I'll find you there, my star of lace
Just waiting to be kissed
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