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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Master Pigs Slave Rules

This is very good reading for novice and expert alike.

Pig's Slave Rules
I'd like to share Pig's Slave Rules with you, but before I do, I'd like to direct you to
128 Basic Slave Rules written by Master John.
Please read them first. If they are no longer at the site reference, you can find many links to it from a Google Search on 'slave rules'.

Ok, now you've read them and I assume that if you're a Dom, you are in 100% agreement and if you're a sub, you have a screaming case of the thigh sweats right about now. Well, I too am in full agreement with them and have used a similar list over the years.

But for me, at least, there's a bit of a problem with this list. My take on this list is that it's a great list for week-end couples, which is only to say that for the average Dom and sub, following these rules would be easy if they were together on weekends and stolen evenings ... times filled with early anticipation, excited meetings, boundless energy stored up over times apart. My slave is a fairly complex and very intelligent woman, capable of a considerable degree of multi-tasking ... and my take is that if I were to insist that she follow these rules 24/7 and dedicate herself to what they actually say, she'd have precious little time to actually have a life let alone actually get around to serving me.

As for me, I doubt I'd have the energy to monitor 128 rules on a 24/7 basis - if Master John can, I tip my hat to him - He's a better PIG than I.

Without taking a thing away from Master John, his sharp insites or his experience, I put forth a set of my own slave rules that are more tailored to the life that I lead.

As a note .. these are the actual rules that I use with my slave and they have proven reliable, valuable and possible. For those of you fortunate enough to know her, you can see that both she and I manage a pretty reasonably healthy life with them. But it's also important to point out that we have both broken these rules from time to time, we've both fallen from the pure faith on more than one occasion, but when that happens - you repair the damage to the best of your abilities and move forward again, and always re-center yourself back to the rules.

Please feel free to adopt these rules verbatim in your life!

Since the initial posting, my slave reminded me of some rules I forgot ... that she has been following all along ... Geez, don't I feel like a Pig!

The Basic Slave Rules
1) You are in my life for my comfort, convenience and pleasure. Period.

Owning you requires an immense effort on my part combined with great amounts of work and responsibility. These are things that I cheerfully take on in order to get what I want from you and not for any other reason. Don't think for a minute that the reason you are in my life is to make your life better. I sincerely hope that is a side benefit but it is not the reason.

Don't EVER forget rule #1 or you might see me start to look for a new Master for you.

2) You will obey me without question or hesitation at all times, regardless of context to the very best of your abilities.

Without hesitation means that you are in motion before the command has completely left my lips. Without question means that this is not the time to question my reasons, fill me in on your thoughts or reactions or make any vocalizations at all except possibly "Yes, Master." No, I do NOT think that you are an idiot, or that you have nothing to say - we have been together long enough that I recognize that look on your face, possibly that arched eyebrow as you are in motion and I WILL use that sign as an opportunity to scan the surroundings and possibly rethink my order in plenty of time to correct myself before whatever you're afraid of actually happens.

3) You will be given certain rituals to follow that are not subject to any conditions, your mood or the circumstances:

You will at all times address me as "Master" and you will use no other term to describe me. Under a very few circumstances where that term might cause people around us to be made uncomfortable (and I will teach you those times), you may address me as "Sir" or in THE most awkward of times, you may simply address me by speaking to me, without greeting. What you will never do is address me or even refer to me by my given name unless filling out a police report.

When I enter your presence (or you enter mine) where we have been separated for more than a few minutes, you will immediately stop whatever you are doing, go to your knees with your hands on your thighs, with your head forward (not bowed) but your eyes lowered. There will be instances where such behavior would make the people around us unnecessarily uncomfortable (something we have no right to do) and in those instances, where kneeling is not possible, you will act as follows: If seated, you will rise. If standing you will sit. If neither of those are possible, you will cease your conversation or other action, face me as I enter and come to a relaxed "attention" until I show you some form of recognition, which may be as subtle as a nod of my head in your direction.

I have my reasons for certain rituals and I perhaps do not have the inclination to share my reasons with you. They are a necessary sign of your subservience and they will be followed - that is all you need to know.

4) When I speak, you will become instantly silent, even if I'm interrupting you.

This is just the way it is. In a 'weekend world' you would be silent and you would not speak unless spoken to. In a 24/7 world, I would miss too much of your wit and your wisdom, but that's not to say that I don't want the formality of unquestioned attentiveness.

5) Your body, and all that it carries, is available to me, or anyone I direct, at any time, for any reason, for any action and you will not show the slightest hesitation or fear in that regard.

You will keep this in mind at all times and maintain your clothing and personal hygiene in a manner consistent with this rule. You may assume that I will use you, have you used, or shown off without any prior warning or time to prepare.

6) Your mind is likewise mine for the same reasons.

As I tell you how to think or what to think about a given situation, that is the thought, idea or concept that you are to embrace immediately. There will be time enough for you to question, to ask for clarification, or to even try to convince me that you have a better way, but that time is never at the moment that I command your mind or your body. . Never.

7) You will conform to a dress code at all times:

O You will never wear underwear or panties except in certain cases that we will discuss in advance.
O You will wear dresses and skirts exclusively, 24/7 except in cases that we will discuss in advance.

O Only one layer of fabric may cover your nipples. If you wear a bra that covers your nipples, you will wear nothing over it. If you wear a blouse, dress, t-shirt or any other top, you will wear a bra that exposes the nipples or none at all.

O You will wear heels at all times when out of the house, except in cases that we discuss in advance.
O When seated anywhere, you will arrange your skirt or dress so that your bare ass is touching the seat.

8) You will wear you collar, your wrist and ankle cuffs at all times, except in cases we discuss in advance.

9) When someone, anyone reaches to touch your body, you will present yourself to them.

O If they reach for your breasts, you will gently push into their hand.
O If they reach between your legs or up your skirt, you will spread your legs that they can get better access.
O Things placed to your lips are to be licked.
O Furthermore, when the opportunity presents itself, you will thank them for honoring you with their attention.
O Even when you are not in my presence, you will not resist any contact except in cases where you have good reason to feel that your personal safety is at stake.

10) In your public life, you will address all males as "Sir" and all females as "Ma'am"

You are not a mindless creature and I rarely expect you to act that way. To that end, I don't expect you to show anyone else in your life any more respect than they have earned, but the form of address is a way that I expect you to show respect for the position I have created for you.

11) In the living room of my house, or the living room of anyone whose house you are in, the furniture is off limits.

You will, in these instances, confine yourself to the floor, whether it be kneeling, sitting or laying. Pillows from around the house are certainly welcome as it's not my desire to have you be uncomfortable. Just as the rituals you follow say to me I obey the rules... this rule, and your unquestioning and consistent obedience to it says I know my place and am grateful for you to have me in my place. This act tells me more about what you are and your devotion than most of the frank conversations we ever have.

12) When following an order or any time you are being clearly treated as a slave, a Thank You is required.

Use the opportunity to reflect on how many times I have, of necessity, done what is required of me according to my responsibilities - not the least of which have been to see to your needs ... and be grateful that you have a place to be in, that you have a Master that treats you as a slave .. and say "Thank You". Oddly enough, the more distasteful the act, the more important it is for you to say "Thank You" with genuine feeling.

13) Your money, from any job that I allow you to have, is MY money.

In my perfect world I would take care of your every financial need. I would give you an allowance from my pocket and see to it that every cent that you make is saved for you for a time when I may not be around or something dreadful might happen. But the world isn't always perfect and as I recall, when I tried that I kept forgetting to leave you the allowance and it was more trouble for you than it was worth. Just don't forget that I as I see you as my property, I see that your property is also mine - to take care of, be responsible for, and to use as I see fit.

These rules constitute the basic rules of your participation in my life. If you break these rules, you will be punished.

If you deliberately break one of these rules, I will most likely apply pain as punishment ... and not the kind you like, either - the kind that will most likely cause you to cry.

If you try and fail, we will examine the situation, first to see if I've pushed you past your capabilities, second if what I asked was in any way unclear, third if there's anything I could have done better to enable you to succeed and finally and only then to see if what I asked was unfair.

If you fail to try I will reevaluate if you still have a place in my life.

The Advanced Slave Rules
These are the rules that will allow you to succeed or cause you to fail
They are only for advanced slaves ... do not try this at home!

14) It is important to me, and should be important to you, that you are enamored with and devoted to being a slave regardless of the costs.

I want you to be more devoted to being a slave than to being my slave. I want you to be more in love with your own slavery than you are with me. This is not to say that I don't love you nor that you shouldn't love me. In fact, it's likely that we are in love with each other, but I insist and I demand that you be more in love with your slavery than you are with me. I may choose to explain that to you in great detail, or I may expect that you trust me when I say that it's a concept that can save you from so many ills that I couldn't even explain them all.

I may test your devotion at any time, for any reason, perhaps have you serve someone else, someone for which you have no great affection .. possibly even a disdain - to put you in a situation where you have no reason to want to be in ... other than for you to see that you can be a good slave ... because you are a slave.

15) I may have my reasons for pursuing other interests with other women and I insist this to be of no concern to you.

This is not to say that you "suck it up" and just have to accept it, but that you genuinely have no concern because your own life and happiness are intact.

O Simply put, I want you to examine your own life to see that I am giving you what you need and if so, that you have no concern about what I may choose to do to get what I need.

O If you can't stand the thought that you can't be all things that any woman can be to me .. you have some personal growth to work on and I have the responsibility to help you do that.

O If you can't stand the thought of me having some happiness that doesn't in some way emanate from you, then you have even more personal issues that we must address together.

O If you can't tolerate it because you simply "won't stand for it" and you won't budge on it, then you need to be honest about that and start looking for a man that desires a Princess rather than a slave.
O You can be 'O' or you can be Scarlet O'Hara - but you can't be both.
O At least not with me you can't.

I would suspect this unlikely, because my standards are high and you are the only one I've found so far good enough, strong enough and fearless enough.

16) You need to understand above all else that my true satisfaction in having you is to watch you try and to see you succeed at each phase.

Each time you try and each time you succeed, you grow - and I get a little more proud of you.

17) You need to understand and take to heart that my life is as incredibly complex as I attempt to make yours straightforward and simple.

On the days that I come home dog-tired and beat-up from battling the dragons of my life you will find that I have little time and energy to be 'Master.' Every time you continue to treat me as Master I gain strength from you and my load gets a bit lighter. Every time you take advantage of my lack of energy and/or desire, break a rule, slip a protocol or ritual when I have neither the time or energy to correct you, I still notice, and my world gets a bit darker - It is precisely these times that I get a glimpse of how devoted you truly are (or aren't) to being a slave and how that mirrors my success (or failure) as a Master.

18) Since we live together 24/7 and since we engage in all the things that so-called 'normal couples' do, it is logical and good that we share these experiences together.

I love your mind, your wicked sense of humor, your smart-assed remarks. I enjoy your intellect and I listen to your opinions far more often that you suspect I do. If I were less of a man, I'd be embarrassed to mention the countless times I have learned from your example and altered my behavior because you've shown me a higher path.

Having said that, I caution you: It's true what they say about familiarity breeding contempt. The more we are together, the more you will see that I have fears, weaknesses and feet of clay - many times I am less perfect than I insist that you be. If you ever get it in your head that we are partners, lovers or friends, you may doom yourself - or at least doom us.

Yes, we are all those things. You are possibly the closest friend I've ever had, you are about the smartest person I know, I rarely have a thought or desire that doesn't cause me to reflect on you, what you will feel, or how you react, and I have come to be very clearly in love with you.......

But when I think of you, I think of you first and foremost as a slave - a piece of property that I may do with as I please without immediate regard to your concerns. For my reasons, ones that I don't care to explain, I am a Master first, second and third ... and a friend, partner and/or lover way down the list.

Whether that's good or bad, happy, sad or dysfunctional, that's my life and the way I choose to live it and for you to be a part of it, you must see yourself first, second and third as a slave in order for you to be happy with the life I provide you.

Now .. some of you might be confused by these rules.

It's my goal to provide my slave a life within which she can grow and stretch - to be all she can be without having to join the Army, where the comforts, priviledges and even obstacles before her are either created by or at least to some extent controlled by me.

I also try to give more than I get - I provide security and structure without confining, Order and discipline without oppression, exploration and excitement without excessive danger.

It works because she treasures these things ... and it had better work because the price she pays is to surrender everything else.

And yes, before you note it .. there are places where I lift her up and elevate her world ... others where it seems like I deliberately lower (or devaluate if you will) her. Well guess what ?

Sometimes Pigs are like that!


  1. I can go for all of that.....being an object for you will do fine.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The sound of this is very comforting.. I'm most likely going to keep this just in case I find someone that will be willing to be this way towards me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. You could be mine. You don't live too far away from where I'm rn

  6. My slave is coming for the Holidays.

  7. My MASTER has very strict rules and i love HIM for that.

    1. my MASTER rests HIS COCK in my mouth while HE sits at the kitchen table every morning eating breakfast and reading from HIS i-pad. HE commanded slave to send this message. i adore MASTER!
