I do not come to you as a Woman or as an ethnic group, I come to you as a Mother, a Mother whom does not understand, after all the progress we have made as human beings, that we have not moved beyond hurting one another. Two of my sons live together in about one of the worst neighborhoods that one could live in. My youngest son was at home alone, while my eldest son was coaching a pee wee football game. As my son sat at home playing a video game 4 men came through the back door carrying guns, and not just little guns but assult rifles. Ordered him to hit the floor and prceeded to take everything of value that was not bolted down. I consider it an act of a higher power that my son does not lie dead today. That he had enough common sience to just let them take what ever they wanted. That he did not try to be the big hero and save everything they had worked so hard for. That we have to covet what our neighbor has so much we will just bust in your house and help ourselves. They worry about the earth being distroyed, that it is falling apart and if we do not take action the planet will not be around anymore. Well I fear that we will kill ourselves off before anything natural has a chance to kill us. Why is it that we can replace a mans heart but we can not make him love his neighbor as he loves himself? If you are tired of human on human violence pass this around to everyone you know.
A concerned parent
Karen Lee